The process of information design comes in different forms:

* Sense Making Theory

*Human-Centered Design

*User-Centered Design

* Wayfinding Theory

*Structured Writing

 Each of the different types has its own pros & cons. My personal preference is wayfinding theory. Wayfinding was previously known as Sign-Posting, a term which was misleading. Sign-Posting creates images of using signs to direct and guide as a means of reaching a destination. Wayfinding creates a different image of exploring possibilities, rather than just following the crowd that follows the signs.

 Wayfinding is a means of establishing an underlying design logic. Making the most of wayfinding theory is accomplished through the use of 3 major processes:

1) Decision making and the development of a plan of action to reach a destination,

2) Decision execution, transforming the plan into behavior at the appropriate place(s) along the route.

3) Perception and cognition (information processing), providing the necessary information to make and execute decisions. (Passini, 88)

Wayfinding offers a means of establishing an architecture on a large scale to handle multifaceted problem solving. Through the use of wayfinding, a path can be established that incorporates multiple choices that still follow a similar path except as a wider path. This offering of choices helps tailor the final result to fit the needs of the person/group/destination. The varied choices offer a feeling of free choice while still guiding the path to product purchase at the end which is customized to the person. (if alluring and appealing enough)

I created a simplified example of wayfinding for tracking down the source of vehicle noise.


As you work through the solution each step helps collect a critical piece of information without unnecessary information or sensory overload. The interesting result is in all but one solution the end result is the same.

The down side or con of wayfinding is you cannot randomly follow ideas or theories at random regardless of the possession of knowledge which may allow you to skip steps in arriving at a conclusion.

The resounding benefit is seen for people like myself who suffer from ADD and thereby find ourselves following random thoughts and losing our way to achieving the goal.

As a side note this post and all forthcoming have been created with a Wacom Intuos4 medium tablet that is easing my personal discomfort by allowing a more comfortable position as it converts my writing to text. Wacom offers the possibility of performing all the normal keyboard/mouse functions through its tablets using pen/mouse for versatility.

Thanks to Wacom for a great product, and customer support team who still understand the meaning of customer support.
